
Thursday 30 November 2023

HotchPotch Issue 10

The final thrill packed issue of HotchPotch is out now on Amazon!

Caspian Thrall and friends accidentally vanquish an evil king, Double O Ducky blows the top off a secret cloning project taking place inside an active volcano, Dank the goblin assassin returns home after wild adventures to find his family under threat from local hoodlums.

All this and more in this full colour comic anthology for children age 8+

Wednesday 22 November 2023

Cosmic Masque XVIII (and a certain freelance peacekeeping agent)

Doctor Who returns to screens this weekend in the first of three 60th anniversary specials and it features a character who first appeared in a comic strip in Doctor Who magazine in the 1980s, namely Beep The Meep.

Coincidentally, a drawing I did of another character the Doctor has met on his comic-strip travels  recently appeared within the pages of issue XVIII of the Doctor Who Appreciation Society's free quarterly digital magazine, Cosmic Masque.

This drawing here.

It accompanies an article on Draw Death's Head Day , Death's Head being the character in question.  Originally created by writer Simon Furman, (whose birthday 'coincides' with DDH Day), and artist Geoff Senior, the robotic bounty hunter freelance peacekeeping agent has encountered quite an eclectic mix of characters over the years. Being a Marvel UK character, there's the obvious array of superheroes, but initially he was a supporting character in the British Transformers comic, before encountering said Doctor and other Marvel UK types, (he even once joined in a fracas started by the aforementioned Meep).

I actually had a letter printed in the original run of Death's Head own comic back in 1989, coincidentally, (again), in an issue which co-starred the seventh Doctor...

There's the letter there...

That building looks familiar.

That toad-like character on the cover, (and the main protagonist in the story), is Josiah W. Dogbolter, who coincidentally, (again), also seems to be making a reappearance in Doctor Who media soon, if that is indeed him on the cover of this new audio drama coming from Big Finish Productions next month, (he has appeared in other Big Finish stories previously)... 

Coincidentally, (this is just getting silly now), Phil Boyce has recently started doing a retrospective of the Death's Head comics over on his Oink! blog.

Click HERE to read the Death's Head entries.

Issue XVIII of Cosmic Masque is available to download HERE, along with the subsequent issue XIX and all previous issues.