
Wednesday 12 September 2018

Scream The Horror Magazine : Issue 50 Sept/Oct 2018

Bit late with this because I only just found out. There's another page of  my Deadvertisements in the latest issue of Scream, (the horror magazine), currently available in the UK from WH Smiths and most branches of Forbidden Planet, and Easons bookstores in Ireland. It should also be available in America and Canada in a few weeks time from Barnes and Noble, Books A Million and Chapters Indigo stores, (and probably in Australia from somewhereorother).

That's issue 50 Sept/Oct 2018, £4.50, 100 pages, with a big scary picture of Michael Myers, a cheery buck-toothed mess of a zombie and Marilyn Manson a freaky nun on the front cover and lots of other very interesting sounding stuff inside.

You can also get subscriptions worldwide from their website.

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